Steps To Maintain A Healthy Food Balance While On Vacation

Vacations and holidays are more than likely to be filled with family obligations, traveling, and festive outings with all sorts of tempting treats. So it’s no surprise that many of us see our waistlines expand during the holiday season. Unfortunately, even the most disciplined people can find it challenging to stick to their health and fitness routine during vacations. Now when you are on vacation, you need a weight loss program that will help you make your diet healthier during the vacations and support you, so your diet plan for weight loss does not go totally off track.

The journey of weight gain begins around Thanksgiving. It’s time for family and friends to get together; it’s time for thanksgiving feasts and vacation. The food you may not have had all year suddenly gets tempting. It’s the chance to have some special home stuffing, like mom’s special and Grandma’s pies. Moreover, you can’t resist, and we encourage you to partake.

Thus, it is most important to keep a good eye on your food and what quantity you eat. We have dotted some of the major steps you must follow while on holiday and vacations.

Stick to a plan and stay hydrated

The holidays can be a real landmine in terms of ruining your best exercise and weight-control intentions. So start each day with a plan, and stick to the same for the whole day. First, track your food intake and activity level. This will make you aware of the number of calories in each food. If you decide to intake higher-calorie options, you will probably eat smaller portions and make other adjustments to stay within your daily calorie goals. Healthy Plus Wellthy’s nutrition plan will help you get the best vacation food plan.

Moreover, always stay hydrated. Sometimes, a large glass of water before a meal (especially before considering seconds) helps you lessen the amount of food you will consume. In addition, try to drink at least six to eight glasses of water per day, and ensure that you have two big glasses of water before the big, calorie-rich meals.

Stay Active

It seems next to impossible to eat healthily and exercise during the holiday season. As a result, the amount of weight gained between the vacations is disregarded until after the New Year. One of the best ways to save yourself from vacation weight gain is to stay physically active. Exercise helps to counterbalance the inevitable added calorie intake and improve insulin sensitivity. There are various physical activities, like swimming, running, walking, and dancing, you can do while on vacation. In addition to staying active, always try to avoid sitting for longer periods, such as watching football games or eating. These small steps to stay active will keep you safe from the extra pouch on your waist.

Practice observant eating

During vacations, people often rush while eating, leading to multitasking during meals. Moreover, research shows that those who eat while distracted are more likely to overeat. This is because they cannot pay attention to their body’s fullness signals. Eat mindfully and minimize distractions, including work and electronics, to prevent this. It can also be helpful to take a few deep breaths before you start eating. This can induce relaxation and help you keep your full attention on your plate rather than your to-do list. In addition, using this process will help you reach a state of complete awareness of your experiences, cravings, and physical cues when eating. 

Control What You Can

As we mentioned above, there are plenty of things that you can’t control during the vacation, but a few things that you can. If you plan on a group trip, you can control what you bring. Some of our favorite substitutions are applesauce for butter and maple syrup for unrefined sugar. These sneaky substitutes will strip away some calories from your dish and give your friends and family a healthy little kick too! You can’t control many things during vacations, but you can certainly be the master over what you put into your food. These tiny substitutes will save you ample amounts of calories.

Hence, you will protect yourself from a considerable amount of calories and extra pouches on your sides with all these steps. Moreover, if you are puzzled about what to include and exclude from your diet while on vacation, take our Healthy Plus Wellthy nutrition plan and get the best result. For more health plans and goals, visit us on our Healthy Plus Wellthy.

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